Wellness, life-style and Digital Blog for the Modern Reader

Month: September 2020

Program of All inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)

Program of All inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)

Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) serve seniors with chronic care needs by providing access to the full continuum of preventive, primary, acute, and long term care services. PACE Programs California take many familiar elements of our traditional health care system and reorganize them in a way that makes sense to families, health care providers and the government programs and others that pay for care.

What is PACE and how is PACE Paid for?

Medicare PACE Program_What is PACE? PACE is a fully capitated program in which the Centers for Medicare PACE Program and Medicaid Services (CMS) pays the Medicare capitation, and each State establishes and pays the Medicaid capitation. These capitated payments are combined at the provider level, creating a flexible funding pool for all primary, acute and long term care services.

The goal of rate setting for PACE is to establish capitation rates that are acceptable to both providers and payers. In general, the Medicare capitation payment is about one-third of the payment PACE providers receive for each enrollee.

Who is Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) for?

For consumers, PACE provides:

  • Caregivers who listen to and can respond to their individualized care needs
  • The option to continue living in the community as long as possible
  • One-stop shopping for all health care services

For health care providers, PACE provides:

  • Capitated funding arrangement rewards providers that are flexible and creative in providing the best care possible
  • Ability to coordinate care for the individuals across settings and medical disciplines
  • Meets increasing consumer demands for individualized care and supportive services arrangements

in home services for seniorsFor those who pay for care, PACE provides:

  • Cost savings and predictable expenditures
  • Comprehensive service package emphasizing preventive care that is usually less expensive and more effective than acute care
  • A model of choice for older individuals focused on in home services for seniors

Why Consider PACE for the Future

  • PACE provides a full range of preventive, primary, acute and long term care services that enable frail older individuals to live in the community as independently as possible
  • PACE provides care and services consistent with emerging consumer demands for individual choices in health care and services
  • PACE combines adult day settings, home care, interdisciplinary teams, transportation systems and capitated payment systems so that providers can respond to the unique needs of each frail elderly individual served
  • Twenty-six providers have successfully replicated the PACE model, demonstrating the value of high quality, individualized care PACE provides for its participants. Eleven other providers are operational and on their way to developing PACE programs

Website Design and Web Development Process

Website Design and Web Development Process

At Vivid Software Solutions, a San Diego website design company, we start the responsive web development process by crafting use cases the consumers intent and key conversion points on desktop tablet and handheld devices. We use web analytics, historical data and consumer research to support our approaches. We then start to define the information architecture, navigation and page structure, with low fidelity layouts or low flies. This is a fast way to create multiple options for designs and start to identify the challenges that we have to overcome. In this phase, we are also recognizing the paths that a consumer will take while navigating on desktop tablet and smartphone.

san diego web design firmNext, our user experience team establishes the layout grid structure and breakpoints. It is essential to keep a fluid layout rather than relying on three hard bricks because devices are rapidly changing size and aspect ratio as new devices are constantly entering the market. We always start by creating a base set of grid layouts, and standards for titles subtitles navigation for body fonts. This is very important because it helps us create consistency across layouts significantly reduces the code complexity and also has Organic SEO benefits by ensuring the page structure follows SEO best practices from the beginning. In addition, this will make future website maintenance much easier.

We use this guide to create interactivity in responsive wireframes giving an idea of how the site will feel and function on each device. Just taking your desktop content and shrinking it down to mobile is not the right approach. Smartphone users are often looking to make a transaction for the shortest amount of time tablet users often spend more time on site than even desktop users so tailoring your content approach per device is critical.

website developer san diegoAfter refinement of the user experiences our art directors apply the final design to the wireframes to bring the brand to life in its new digital format. Then our San Diego web design team builds all the interaction States. You must tailor those interactions per device. For example rollovers on a desktop must be converted to touch interactions clicking carousels should be swipe enabled on mobile. Before launch, we conduct QA testing on numerous devices. We don’t rely on automated testing software there is a physical aspect of navigating our mobile device because you are tapping touching and swiping.

It’s crucial that you physically test to see how everything feels and reacts on a mobile device and don’t be shy to go back and make changes to create a better experience for your customers. Post-launch is essential that you listen to your audience and adapt accordingly make sure that you have an in-depth analytics implementation and watch the user behavior on your website take suggestions to keep an open mind and listen to the analytics.


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